Tuesday, February 14, 2012

PIGGY BANKS OF POWER: non-stop knowledge on-the-go 

This post represents the most glorious, and profitable gold-mine of the entire existence of the software that I can convey--reading plans. Don't be fooled, though, I'm not just talking about making one, it's a heck of a lot better than just that!

You see, the software's home page has what they call a "heading ribbon" at the top and this heading ribbon displays different settings like your "preferred Bibles", "Library slide show," and whatever reading plans can fit in the display. (now, technically, it is unlimited since the arrow to the right can scroll continually, but we can avoid this) The way that you can control what appears on this ribbon is determined by the bottom left hand corner of the initial start-up screen called "customize". This pop-up menu is split into two distinct areas for display: "Features" and "Content". It's the "Features" that is your very own veritable bottomless piggy-bank of pure-golden nuggets of knowledge through reading plans.

How so? Well, I'm glad you asked. E-v-e-r-y-o-n-e, and their mother, knows that any Logos Digital resource you want to read, you can set a customized reading plan for via the main menu options under "File" and "Reading Plans", that part is a no-brainer. The only problem is the ribbon can only fit so many of them showing on your screen as you set them in your system, so it seems that you are limited in the number of them you can set.

Ha, Ha! But this is where the gold comes in my friends and scholars: any time you set a reading plan, if it does not fit in the display ribbon, then all you have to do is to click into the "Customize" menu, and un-click for it to display in the ribbon under the "Features" section. It still stays in the list, it just doesn't show in the ribbon until you go back and click it to display again whenever you want to read it. And there is no limit to the number of plans you can set in this menu!! At this point, my friend, I would permit you one sinister "Dr. Evil" laugh because, indeed it is true--"everything is going perfectly to plan!"--Moo ha ha ha--Mooo haa haa haa--MMoooo hhhaaa hhhaaa!! Pure Gold!!

Ahh, that felt good. But seriously, folks, I can already hear the winy objections of the peanut gallery, "But if I set the plan and wait to start it up later, won't I be behind the original settings for the dates of the reading plan?" Oh, hoh, yes indeed, very astute observation, but, my young padewan learner, you have yet to learn the ways of the force of Logos' genius system--all you have to do to change it to the current dates, while keeping the same amount of reading per day, is simply right click the plan in the display ribbon and choose the second option in the pop-up menu, "adjust plan from today," and this will readjust the entire plan automatically for you starting from the current date. (P.S., just make sure you AVOID the fist option on that same menu saying, "catch up to today," cause that will check off all the readings from the original date until the current one, hence missing all those readings).

Ba-Da-Bing! There you have it. You could set reading plans for every-single-stinkin'-book (if you wanted) in your entire Digital Library and simply keep them "piggy-banked" in your "Customize" menu until you decide you are ready to read them. As you complete them one-at-a-time, you simply click the next one, adjust it from today, and off you go!! You never stop reading, learning, and growing right there with your own laptop/computer anytime you want, as often as you want, and as much as you want to read. Literally your personal bank of knowledge whenever, however, and however much you want to withdraw. Pretty Cool, huh? Well. . . Geez, how much easier can Logos make education? You need a back-rub too? what are you waitin' for-->Go get'em tiger!

So when I found this little jewel, I have never stopped sifting through my library to set the next plan. It has changed my life. I can't wait to see how will also can change yours.

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