Thursday, February 9, 2012

Glad to finally be here!

Hello gang! Glad you all could join us!!

My name is Rev. Chaplain Justin Woods, MDiv and this blog is dedicated to the new revolution that has begun to sweep the American educational system in theological seminary studies called--
Digital Resource Scholarship.

There is no doubt that as students, teachers, scholars, pastors, and lay parishioners start to experience the ease, convenience, and power that goes with digital resource scholarship, they will see that you don't have to lose your faith at seminary to become proficient in your field of study and engage the academic debates.

I am personally dedicated  to this God-anointed endeavor to take education OUT of the restricted section of libraries and INTO the homes, churches, families and friends of front-line Christian Leaders where it belongs!!

Are you on board? Feel free to offer you personal testimonies, as I will mine as well, and we will see what the Lord has for us through this exciting season.

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