Thursday, February 9, 2012

My digital resource scholarship experience began with the purchase of a Logos Bible Software Library. I first started with their "Gold" collection in the fall of 2006 and have NEVER looked back ever since. No, I don't work for them, I don't make money from them, nor am I affiliated with them in any financial way. I just have witnessed the countless testimonies of change and development through the use of their concept and product. (see, for more info)

I can't begin to convey the level of change having these resources, and search engines, have made in my life as a Christian, a pastor, a husband, and a family man. I tell everyone, "It has changed my Christianity from the inside-out." Why, you say? I'm glad you asked, here it is--

Out of the over 100 + differences and improvements I could simply list all at once, I'll dive into one small change that made a whole new foundation for other differences throughout the research process: my personal Hyperlinked Resource Intranet. Anytime a book makes a reference, it appears on your screen as a direct hyperlink to that source, instantly available to the reader. Print resources will never have this ability.

For instance, inside my resource Transitivity Based Foregrounding in the Book of Acts, by Martin-Asensio, he has countless references to Dr. Stanley Porter's materials which he can only quote from, in order to clarify and provide the background studies to his materials. Well if I was merely reading the print version of this, I would need to put the book down, track those resources down (which could take days or weeks, depending on availability), flip through the thousands of pages of material to get to the sections he quotes, read them, and then finally come back to my study. What a mess. In Logos, however, its a piece-of-cake--I just click the link, and start reading, then immediately come back to Martin-Asensio's material with instant background knowledge of the studies he conducted. By the time I finished Martin-Asensio's book, I must have completed over 10 other resources in the process!! Is that comprehension or what?

Now, just think of how many different areas of my faith-->ministry-->theology-->and life which a study like that can touch upon with one reading. Again, that's just . . . one reading: now read one book in this manner everyday for a week; . . . a year; . . . a decade; . . . YOUR LIFE. Get the picture? Welcome to my life, and the lives of those affected by this lifestyle. I cannot tell you how many journal articles, reference works, books, and position papers I have read in Logos simply along the trek of the books that quote them. That is tremendous.

The immediate fullness of study achieved simply cannot be rivaled in print resources. Also advantages (besides the intranet) are the tools Logos has created to aid your study as you read within what they call your "Work Spaces" that can be saved for later reference anytime. Would you like to hear it?-->

Well, that's a story for another day.Be blessed.

1 comment:

  1. This Logos has had a profound effect on my husbands career and life as a pastor, gaining much knowledge and understanding God's word. I have this application change the full person that he will be in God's vision for him to become. Being his wife I have seen the information digested like hungry mouse eats cheese. His intelligence grwos daily because of Logos Software.
